At AIS BMS, we have established ourselves as one of the strongest companies providing BMS services across London and the South East, and so we are committed to the following policies.
Quality Policy (PDF)
We are committed to delivering high quality services to our clients through our quality policy and the development, implementation and continual improvement of our quality and environmental management system (QEMS). We use the international standard ISO 9001:2008 as quality drivers for our QEMS. These are also supported by an annual program of internal and UKAS accredited external audits, and management reviews to continually improve its effectiveness.
Environmental Policy (PDF)
We are committed to the prevention of pollution and protection of the environment through this environmental policy and the development, implementation and continual improvement of our Quality and Environmental Management System (QEMS). We use the the international standard ISO 14001:2004 as the environmental driver for our QEMS. This is also supported by an annual program of internal and UKAS accredited external audits, and management reviews to continually improve its effectiveness and our environmental performance.
Health & Safety Policy (PDF)
We acknowledge that nothing is more important than the health, safety and welfare of our employees, clients, contractors and any others who may be affected by the way we carry out our business operations. This is supported by an annual program of internal and UKAS accredited external audits, and management reviews to continually improve its effectiveness and our health and safety performance.
All of our policies are reviewed annually for continuing suitability by AIS BMS Directors.